Sunday, July 12, 2009

7th Eve, July 2nd.

As the sun sank, I had started to lay out my paints and brushes for an unknown project. I had my candle ready to be lit on the far side of my art desk, and started my music. I lit my candle, and watched the flame engulf the wick. I had no idea what I wanted to work on or create that evening, but I knew I had to do something creative!
My music played on, and as I was rummaging around in my basket of things to be touched by creativity, I found myself singing along- which I hadn't done in a long time.
I'm not even sure what it was that I painted that evening, but I could feel my paintbrush being guided not by my own hand which I found was extremely freeing.
When it was time for bed, I transfered the flame of the physical to the internal l kept it going until the next mroing when I mentally passed it on to the next keeper