Sunday, April 26, 2009


BLESSED BRIGHID: On the eve of a baby's funeral I ask for all of us who gather here to worship and honour you, that you give us the ability to see what we have in our lives and be grateful. We have not won the lotto,that's okay, we all, most of us, are employed. We have roofs over our heads and food in our bellies. I have not had to watch a child of mine, die slowly. I have not had to hear the last breath leave her body,or feel her warmth fade away. I have not had to pick out funeral clothing or wonder which toys should be put in her casket.
I have everything I need, in front of me, all around me, and that which I do not have, I know it is within a hands reach. Heal us Brighid, heal our greed and blindness. Let the spring rains cleanse our soul and ego. I receive the flame and graciously pass it on to the next follower. With the feel of your breath so close I am always in awe of how I love you,worship you, and strive to always be better because of you. Blessed Be, Blessed Brighid.

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